Sunday, 17 July 2011

FiveStar Jiu Jitsu Classes and retirement of SPORT Taekwondo

Master Rob and FiveStar Martial Arts are now teaching (Associate Leader) BJJ classes FiveStar has been accepted as an associate of a famous BJJ Family.

ALL FiveStar members are now eligible for FREE BJJ training classes at no cost. That's correct you read right FREE, after you get your training gear and notes your on your way. There are two sessions available per week at what many have described and acknowledged as the most effective Martial Arts in the World trialled and tested in the UFC. All you have to do and be in one of our Taekwondo, Little Tigers, MMA Combat Hapkido programs and you get BJJ FREE!!!.

Master Rob after 25 years in SPORT Taekwondo has officially retired from coaching his own students; finishing a long career with Australian Titles, NSW Titles, Victorian Champion (many regard the home of tkd in AUS), Olympic Selector, Australian Head Coach, Team Coach, Manager, Director of NSW Program, Chairman of National Sports Board, Coach to many International athletes wining GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE International medals and with a sport specific book in the end process of getting written and printed using his knowledge, life skills and University degree.

The officially recognised and graded 7th Dan Blackbelt ( ) is now continuing his studying with BJJ, MMA Combat Hapkido and Kyusho Jitsu MMA Fitness and is available for coaching consultations.

We have been proven to be at the forefront of Taekwondo in the Illawarra for the last 20 years and one a handful of respected schools in Australia. Our Martial Arts are strong and made stronger with the addition of our new programs. Having the access to such programs make your children even safer, it is real ! We back up our programs with sport science not guess work!!! The UFC was made to test BJJ, and it worked.

Master Rob invites everyone to trial classes for FREE (one month) to see that what we say is true. . also a FREE UNIFORM, GLOVES, DVD. LIFETIME Membership is running out so get in for your trial asap.

It is not the end of our journey but the next chapter of an exciting and evolving time....

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Interesting Japanese Korean Traditions in Titles, times, Age and Degrees. Just to Know

This is interesting for Japanese Martial Arts. (source internet)Sho Dan or 1st Dan - at this rank no formal samurai title is awarded.
Ni Dan or 2nd Dan - at this rank no formal samurai title is awarded. San Dan or 3rd Dan - at this rank no formal samurai title is awarded.
Yon Dan or 4th Dan - at this rank the formal samurai title of Renshi may be awarded. Not @ 2nd Dan
Go Dan or 5th Dan - at this rank the formal samurai title of Renshi may be awarded.
Roku Dan or 6th Dan - at this rank the formal samurai title of Renshi may be awarded.
Schichi Dan or 7th Dan - at this rank the formal samurai title of Kyoshi may be awarded. Not @ 2nd Dan
Hachi Dan or 8th Dan - at this rank the formal samurai title of Kyoshi may be awarded.
Ku Dan or 9th Dan - at this rank the formal samurai title of Hanshi may be awarded.
Ju Dan or 10th Dan - at this rank the formal samurai title of Hanshi may be awarded.
The three Samurai titles hold the following meanings :
RENSHI : "A person who has mastered oneself".
This person is considered an expert instructor. Renshi are no longer one of the many and is usually given at Yo Dan (4th Dan) or Go Dan (5th Dan). It is not unusual for a Renshi to be over 50 years old before this title is ever conferred upon them.

KYOSHI : "Knowledgeable person".
Usually this title is conferred at Roku Dan (6th Dan) or Shichi Dan (7th Dan). It is not unusual for a Kyoshi to be over 60 years old before this title is ever conferred upon them. Which means they have trained since about 7-10 years old...

HANSHI : "Master".
A title given to the oldest and most senior black belt, usually the head of an individual karate organization, someone who has studied the art of karate for most of their lifetime. This rank signifies their true understanding of the art. It is not uncommon for a Hanshi to be well over 70 or 80 years of age before this title is ever conferred upon them.

Remember this is Karate generally .....usually not a hybrid system which could make up their own thing for unkown reasons.

Oh and you can't add up your dans from different blackbelts otherwise i would be 10th Degree already, see how silly that is....? :)

Korean Martial Arts or Taekwondo it is accepted that:

There are age limits and minmum grading time that apply between each as well. The examinee will be graded by an authentic Master through a authentic system and world body.
coloured belt/ jeja
Provisional blackbelt / cho dan bo
1st Dan Blackbelt student / boosunim
2nd Dan Blackbelt assistant instructor/ boosunim
3rd Dan Blackbelt assistant instructor /sambunim
4th Dan Instructor /Sabunim
5th Dan Master Instructor /Kwanjunim
6th Dan Master Instructor /Kwanjunim
7th Dan Master Instructor /Kwanjunim
8th Dan GrandMaster Instructor / Seon Saengnim (Seon means endless or infinite)
9th Dan GrandMaster Instructor / Seon Saengnim

10th Dan reserved for highest Dan most senior student of a Original School such as ChungDoKwan or OhDoKwan or JidoKwan etc. Not really a school that just appeared from a Instructor living a fantasy....

enjoy your new knowledge