Sunday, 31 August 2014

More then kicking and Punching

You may not know but there is far more benefits then kicking and punching at FiveStar Martial Arts School. Apart from Taekwondo World Federation Style and Gracie Jiu Jitsu, not to forget the Master Eaxminer 7th Degree Blackbelt and holder of several Blackbelts. 

It is the innate things that you don't realise you that pick up along the way. 

These are the important physical and mental and emotional benefits that are derived from FiveStar Martial Arts. 

Master Rob calls upon his life skills as; a Father, a Carer, a Partner, a Manager, an Emergency Response Person, a Friend, a Master Instructor, a Student, an Australian Sports Coach/Manager/Head of Team, an Olympic Selector, a Researcher, an Examiner, a Mentor, a University Graduate (DipAppSC) and many academic qualifications to impart these benefits upon the the students.  

Yes you get far more then kicking and punching...

Friday, 8 August 2014

Once Upon a Time Simple Karate was enough.

Many years ago Karate and Taekwondo was enough, some did boxing too. However with the every ready internet to provide information for fighting and disabling techniques (taught right or incorrectly) you have to know more.

Thats right Taekowndo and Karate is not enough. IF your teacher is not teaching you to take down the attacker, to control and restrain the attacker, to hold them on the ground effectively and efficiently then your in the wrong school for self defence.

For several years now we have been teaching MMA and Gracie Jiu Jitsu to complement our Taekwondo. And I consider our Taekwondo to be one of the most contemporary and effective not left and the dark ages without advancement....

Gracie Jiu Jitsu is the most effective form of self defence that you can get your hands on and we have it here taught to us by the founders sons, grandsons and their blackbelts.

It is ok to disbelieve but it is not ok to blindly follow your teacher and have he or she say that you don't need it! But you do, now more then ever your need it.

When your kick or punch misses and it will, what will you do???

Call us to find out exactly what it is you can do either through BULLYSTOP® or or Programming that works.

I hit this guy square in the head with a roundhouse kick, yes it was in competition but it was square in the head. It did not knock him out and if he knew Gracie Jiu Jitsu and I didn't and he then followed up to take me down what would you do.... I will tell you that you will freak out.

Don't leave it to chance take lesson in Gracie Jiu Jitsu and Taekwondo  :)

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Why do you need a Properly qualified Blackbelt Instructor in Taekwondo in particular?

Why do you need a Properly qualified Blackbelt Instructor in Taekwondo in particular? 
A 1st Degree Blackbelt cannot Legitimately Promote Taekwondo Students !!!!

In a age of technology and with people are wanting everything now and not delaying gratification for any length of time what does one do? 

We are seeing more and more supposed Martial Arts Schools open up almost monthly with quite exquisite names... claiming to be this or that even.  Where do they come what are their lineage? Are they even qualified to teach? Why have they broken away from their instructor or were they kicked for improper behaviour? 

 Did they excel when they were students or scrap by with satisfactory results? 

A 1st degree Blackbelt in Taekwondo can be achieved in only 2-3 yrs these people are really only advanced students. 

Did they train twice a week or did they train everyday and commit themselves to the art? Have they tested themselves in an arena of competition? Mostly not... 

Probably not and no more then likely only a couple classes of week training.

They have been made blackbelts because it is the next step, not because they are instructors and not even close to being examiners neither.

An Instructor in Taekwondo is when they are 4th degree Blackbelt according the the World Taekwondo Federation, not 1st Degree or 1st Dan. Until then they can be known as advance student or maybe assistant instructor... 5th Degree is Master Instructor, 8th Degree is GrandMaster. GGM 9th Degree

A 1st degree Blackbelt has NO GRADING privileges i.e. they cannot under any circumstances sign certificates to validate any colour belt grading/ promotion test. 

An legitimate Instructor or Master Instructor of a Taekwondo school in particular will not accept your ranking given by one of these people when their school finally closes and you seek out other options. 

Get the accredited Instructor NOT a student Teacher in the first place.

Competing Victoria 

A style is a style because Grandmaster/Founder sought out the best in their country and formulated a system usually prior to the 1950's. When it is broken down and mishmashed together you have nothing but mishmash. You want Taekwondo then learn Taekwondo, not a exquisite name on some certificate. 

 You can buy a certificate but you cannot buy experience, or proper accreditation. When the younger student is doing things better then the teacher in no time flat alarm bells should ring 

"Houston we have a Problem"

Got my Blackbelt 1989 (R)

 Breaking with Grandmaster Ha 9th Degree 

                                             Coached For Australia 2001 Yesou

          Trained with and Promoted by Great Grandmaster Have Man Park 10th Degree Vice President ChungDoKwan (pre World Taekwondo Federation 1st Taekwondo School Korea) 

Master Robert's  lineage 

                                           GGM Won Kuk LEE Founder Chungdokwan 10th Degree
                                                      GGM Have Man Park 10th Degree
                                       GM Jong Sang Ha & Chong Won Lee 9th Degrees
                                               Master Robert Cooley 7th Degree
                                                                Robs legacy (students)

Master Rob has promoted over 165 Blackbelts up to 6th Degree Blackbelt in 28 years continuous Taekwondo experience, he has produced international champions and national champions, Australian Coach and Olympic selector; but more importantly 99% of the people with great ethics and role models.

 Don't be tricked into being promoted by 1st degree Taekwondo Blackbelts thinking they are instructors. 

                                                  Keeping it Real and don't be mislead just because they are your friends doesn't mean they are correctly following procedure. Demand the best, demand authenticity.