Sunday, 24 April 2011

Bunny Ears....No not those ones

Did you know that all that hard work that you have done has been smashed over Easter. It doesnt take long to put on those extra grams of the 3 letter word F#T.... hmm.

One Personal Trainer session can almost make up for a easter chocolate bunny. Say your Easter treat is 700 calories and you can burn 700-800 calories in a session. You are even but the $$$ cost is not great is it... ?

Stay on course. After studying at Uni and being one of a few coaches to have a DipAppSc from the UQ and AIS along with my beautiful wife's knowledge as well as our recent seminar updates at Filex (fitness convention) we are about to launch a FREE seminar to really shock you well not really shock you but enlighten you but it will shock your world as you know it.

get rid of the bunnies as fast a possible and get back on the lifestyle change for if you invest in your health now you will not have to invest in doctors and waiting rooms later in life.... nice thought.

regards Master Rob 7th Dan (for real)

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