Sunday, 18 November 2012

$6.5 million BullyStop®

Why do instructors believe BullyStop is worth $6.5m?
 Olivia Cooley and Royce Gracie

Master Jodi Brown recently wrote that our BullyStop® Program was worth $6.5m to the kids that attended her class in Victoria.

She says well what it the value a child being made safer, having confidence, being able to say NO, being able to ask questions, and being able to use simple real life self defence the Gracie way to save themselves or others?

You know all these things culminate into a well adjusted child that can go to school and learn and not be bullied.

So i ask you what is the value of a child that becomes a person of influence and change in society to the child that seldom ventures out of their comfort zone?

For it is those ones that venture out and create value that become successful in so many ways.

We believe the difference could equate to $6.5million, thats only part of the value we put on our BullyStop® program

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